Have you ever needed to go somewhere quickly and found yourself held hostage by your garage door? You just need to move your vehicle out of the garage, but your garage door won’t comply. Maybe it falls off the tracks or simply refuses to budge. 

Either way, you’re trapped in your garage, unable to move, all because someone didn’t install the door properly. 

A malfunctioning garage door will hamper your business productivity, preventing trucks and business vehicles from leaving the garage or refusing to allow important vehicles in the garage. 

How can you avoid such a simple yet frustrating catastrophe? When you avoid common garage door installation mistakes, you protect your business and its productivity. 

Keep reading to learn about the garage door installation process and the installation mistakes you should avoid. 

Mistake 1: Don’t Hire a Professional

Garage doors have multiple moving parts. They require a keen eye, expertise, and experience.

Furthermore, commercial garage doors are heavy. Rarely can just one person manage an installation? You will need someone to help you lift the door, hold it while you attach it, and generally support it so that you can ensure you have straight tracks. 

If you skip any of these steps, you will find yourself with a non-functioning garage door. 

When you have a professional help you with commercial garage door installation, you have the assurance that the door will open and shut properly. Furthermore, you do not have to worry about how you’re going to lift and install a heavy door. The pros will have that cover all parts of the garage door installation process while you sip on your coffee and let them work. 

Mistake 2: Pick the Wrong Door

The right door makes all the difference for your business purposes. If you choose the wrong door, the door will hamper productivity rather than encourage it. 

For example, if you choose a cheap garage door, you may save money upfront. But you’ll also find yourself needing to replace the door and go through the installation process all over again much sooner than if you’d chosen a quality garage door. 

You also need to ensure you choose the right materials for your door. Your environment will best determine the type of door you need, whether you want an insulated steel door or a fiberglass door. If you live in an extremely cold environment, you’ll want a different door than if you live in a hot and humid climate. 

You also want to make sure you consider the direction your door will open and the overhead space you have for your door. 

A professional installer will help you with these details as well, making sure you pick the best door for your business’s functions. They will understand the garage door design that works best for your business both functionally and aesthetically. 

Furthermore, the right door could save you money on tax credits. Energy-saving doors will save you money on your energy bill and earn you credits. 

Mistake 3: Don’t Have the Right Equipment

Garage doors have multiple working parts. As a result, a garage door installation job is complex. To install a garage door properly, you need to study the instruction manual and have the proper tools for the job. 

Installing a garage door requires more than your basic household tools. You should have a stepladder cordless drill and an adjustable wrench. These are the minimally required tools for replacing garage doors. 

If you’re going to attempt to install your garage door, study the installation instructions and have these major tools on hand. 

Mistake 4: Failing to Place the Garage Door Opener Properly

Commercial garage doors weigh hundreds of pounds. If you do not have your garage door opener placed properly, your door will twist and sometimes not even open. 

Of all the mistakes you can make when installing a commercial garage door, improper door opener placement is the most common. 

To avoid this problem, you need to connect your garage door opener motor to the center of your door opening. This prevents your door panels from bending. If you install the opener on one side of the door, you will have an imbalanced door. 

Always check the installation manual, as this will tell you exactly where to position the opener. 

Mistake 5: Install the Track System Improperly

Garage door tracks guide the door to its proper place and support the full weight of the door. If you install these incorrectly, you will have a misaligned door and some serious problems. 

Your door will jam or lock up, and you won’t be able to open or close it, depending on when it locks up. Worst of all, the door could fall off the tracks and cause serious injury and damage. 

If you’re attempting to install your own commercial doors, use a vertical level and screwdriver consistently to make sure the tracks are level and properly screwed on. 

Mistake 6: Ignore Safety Measures

The biggest mistakes and injuries occur when we’re in a hurry. Commercial garage doors can cause serious injuries and even deaths when you neglect safety measures.

If you install your own doors, take your time and triple-check all of your work during the installation process. You will avoid serious problems down the road when you take the time to follow all safety precautions. Always use the appropriate safety wear as well such as safety goggles and work gloves. 

Hire a Pro to Avoid Garage Door Installation Mistakes

Ultimately, to avoid catastrophic garage door installation mistakes, hire a professional garage door installation company. When you hire professionals, you also hire a garage door maintenance company that will conduct regular checks on your commercial doors. They’ll typically put you on a schedule and ensure that you avoid malfunctioning or broken doors in the future. 

Furthermore, a professional company will give you advice on replacing garage doors and buying a garage door. They will know which doors will work best for your business in your climate. 

Do you need a new commercial garage door? If so, contact us. Our qualified technicians are ready to install your garage door today.